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postheadericon Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece

Best Buy Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece Online Shop

Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece

you looking for inexpensive Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

Now the prices down even more urgent look at all the other check prices before the end of time.

Footprint FSK888 88 Series Butt Chisel Set, 8-Piece

  • Blade forged from high quality steel, machine ground on all faces and bevel edges and finish honed to 30 degrees
  • Hardened and tempered to insure maximum performance and a lasting cutting edge
  • Contoured handle with Steel Striking Cap
  • Bolster and tang construction prevents handle slipping while providing maximum strength and support
  • 1 Year Warranty


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