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Buy Flexcut Tool Co 3 Knife Carving Set Online Store

you looking for low price Flexcut Tool Co 3 Knife Carving Set?

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Flexcut Tool Co 3 Knife Carving Set Overview

Made with Flexcuts high quality spring steel, tempered to a hardness of Rc 59-61, and fitted with tremendously comfortable curved ergonomic ash handles, these knives perform as marvelously and hold an edge as well as Flexcut carving tools.

Flexcut Tool Co 3 Knife Carving Set Specification

  • These knives are made with the same edge-holding steel as our gouges and chisels
  • ergonomic handle allows for long periods of carving without hand fatigue
  • Set includes Cutting knife, Detail Knife, and Roughing Knife
  • these knives perform as marvelously and hold an edge as well as Flexcut carving tool
  • Tip is hardened to Rc 59-61, then hand honed and polished.

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