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Buy TEKTON 6741 Mini Wood Carving Chisel Set, 8-Piece Store

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TEKTON 6741 Mini Wood Carving Chisel Set, 8-Piece Overview

MIT 8-PC. MINI WOOD CARVING CHISEL SET features: Semi-Polished, Heat Treated Steel Blades, Precision Ground Chisel Blades, Chrome Plated Steel Ferrules Protect Handles from Splitting and Splintering, Comfortable Wood Handles, 1-1/2" Blade, 5-1/2" Overall Length, Ideal for Woodworking, Hobbies, and Crafts, 3-pc. Skew Chisel: 5/64", 3/16", 1/4", 2-pc. Straight Chisel: 1/4", 13/32", 1-pc. Round Chisel: 13/32", 1-pc. 90 degree V-Parting Chisel: 1/4", 1-pc. Gouge Chisel: 3/16"

TEKTON 6741 Mini Wood Carving Chisel Set, 8-Piece Specification

  • Semi-Polished, Heat Treated Steel Blades
  • Precision Ground Chisel Blades
  • Chrome Plated Steel Ferrules Protect Handles from Splitting and Splintering
  • Comfortable Wood Handles
  • 1-1/2" Blade, 5-1/2" Overall Length

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